Saturday, May 29, 2010

A growing vocabulary!

It is amazing every day to watch your babies grow and learn. It has been exceptionally amazing and interesting for me, a hearing person, to watch my deaf babies learn. I am astounded at how much they take in with their bright little eyes, and how all of that information comes out later in the form of signs, gestures, and eventually sounds.

L is at that 18 month old, language explosion period. She has a vocabulary of 16 words, and I'm sure there are more we don't understand yet. She speaks 2 words. So, let me clarify, she signs 16+ words... and she's imitating and using more literally every day. I remember when M was at this stage. She said new words pretty frequently, but nothing like the speed with which L is using new signs. She'll sit at the dinner table and copy 4 or 5 new signs as I tell her what she's eating for dinner or what J and M are saying.

So, we'll keep laying this foundation, she'll understand more, we'll be able to tell her more, earlier. and eventually, she'll use her hearing aids to learn how to say all these things she's telling us about now with her hands! :)

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