Tuesday, November 30, 2010


A few extra things to celebrate this Holiday season:

J had his annual IEP team meeting last month. He did the language testing again that we've used to track his progress since he was 3 years old. He made 2+ years of progress during the last calendar year, and is performing very well in his mainstream Kindergarten classroom this year! Yay!

L continues to score in the low-normal range on her language tests, but fell a little bahind in speech skills. We've been monitoring this, and expected it, so were not disappointed to learn the news. However, a good thing, her lower scores finally qualified her for speech through the state program. She is only doing 2 30 minute segments twice a month, but every little bit helps. She also seems to have decided on her own to start talking anyway, and now makes attempts to imitate me a few times a week. Her vocabulary list is growing steadily now - signing is still much faster than speech, but growth at all in the speech column is an improvement!

A funny side-note: The Christmas season is in full swing at our house, including Christmas music all day, every day. J hears the sleigh bells, or the fun tunes of children's Christmas carols, and asks me to sign what they're singing. This is seriously challenging my limited ASL vocabulary, and speed at which I can interpret! I bet it's pretty funny to sit next to me at a stop light and see this crazy mom signing into the rearview mirror and bouncing around in my seat to a Christmas song!

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